Unhinged now available on Google Play Music

by Ed 0 Comments

Google has finally released podcast support for Google Play Music this past Monday. Now, if you use Google Play Music as your music streaming service, you will also be able to subscribe and listen to podcasts as well.

Unhinged is proud to announce that we are indeed listed in Google Play Music. So if you’re a Google user, check us out here!

What Unhinged Means to Me

by Ed 0 Comments

Howdy, folks. This is Ed, co-founder and technical producer of the Unhinged Podcast. I’m what some call the “normal” half of the Unhinged team, meaning I do not suffer from any mental health issues myself. However, being friends with Doug has given me quite a bit of experience dealing with mental illness and the effect it has on everyone that comes near it.

Many people may ask why I would get involved in such a serious topic when I could have easily started a site on something like guitar, photography, usability, or any of the other geeky interests I have. The answer is both simple and complex at the same time. Let me explain…

Unhinged Episode #003: Deep Brain Stimulation, Cody Glode

by Ed 0 Comments
Unhinged Episode #003: Deep Brain Stimulation, Cody Glode

Episode #3 gets into some details of Doug’s most radical depression treatment: brain surgery. Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical procedure involving the implantation of a device that sends electrical impulses, through implanted electrodes, to specific parts of the brain. It’s used to treat Parkinson’s, dystonia, and chronic pain, but has also proven effective in helping with Treatment Resistant Depression.

We also cover the unfortunate suicide of up and coming MMA fighter Cody Glode. A lack of immediate psychiatric help in Nova Scotia, and not being able to schedule a timely appointment with his doctor, partially contributed to his untimely death. Is there a healthcare crisis in Canada?

Show resources:

Unhinged Episode #002: Delving Deeper, Trump, and More

by Ed 0 Comments
Unhinged Episode #002: Delving Deeper, Trump, and More

In our second episode of Unhinged, we touch on why some people with severe depression make good comedians. In fact, the need for approval or validation for some can push them to the arts. In our news segment, we delve into the question asked by Psychology Today: does Donald Trump have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? We break down the criteria for this diagnosis, and whether Trump fits the profile.

We also find out more specifics about Doug’s specific case of treatment resistant depression. You’ll hear just some of the treatments his doctor’s have tried, including electro-convulsive “shock” therapy, nearly every mood medication, and we’ll touch on a more radical surgical approach called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).

Unhinged Episode #001: Introduction

by Ed 3 Comments
Unhinged Episode #001: Introduction

Welcome to Unhinged! This is our very first podcast, where we discuss who we are and what we will be talking about in this series. We introduce Doug, who has been suffering from treatment resistant depression for most of his life, and me (Ed), an old college buddy who leads what most would consider a “normal” life. In this episode, we touch on early childhood triggers and phobias and the differences between how I handled things versus Doug, and how our two roads diverged over the years.

Nature vs. Nurture is another topic discussed, as much of Doug’s issues were found to be neurological, yet the stigma of mental illness kept many people at a distance.